Where are Youth Getting Access?

In Adult / Non-Parent, Alcohol, Healthcare Professional, Marijuana, Parent / Caregiver, stoneco, Taney County, Teacher / Educator, Teen / Young Adult, Tobacco by marietta

 The Missouri Student Survey is conducted during even years with statewide school districts participating voluntarily. The survey poses questions related to demographics, substances, bullying, suicidal ideation, and additional topics. In the 2018 version of the Missouri Student Survey, students around the state were asked about how and where they got substances when they use them. Statewide, buying or getting substances from friends was the most common method of access to youth. Data for Stone and Taney County rates were taken from 10th grade responses to the 2018 Missouri Student Survey. Across multiple substances, the number one method of access across Stone and Taney Counties is through getting it from a friend. Excluding the “other” category, the top three methods reported for each substance between Stone and Taney Counties is as follows:


  1. A friend gives or sells it to me
  2. A family member gives or sells it to me
  3. I take it without permission


  1. A friend gives or sells it to me
  2. I take it without permission
  3. A stranger buys it for me


  1. A friend gives or sells it to me
  2. I buy it online
  3. A family member gives or sells it to me


  1. A friend gives or sells it to me
  2. I buy it from a dealer
  3. A family member gives or sells it to me