Stories of addiction and recovery from people just like you.
Well, to the best of my knowledge, he was probably about twelve when he first started to experiment with alcohol and…
I never fit in as a child. I was always the outcast and, you know, I never had friends. Around junior…
Melissa H.
This is my story, I grew up in a destructive home, left home at 16 y/o, at 21 I had tried meth for the first time, and I spend the next…
Chris Medley
had been addicted to drugs all my life, it started after being sexually, physically, and emotionally abused from age 7…
In 2006, I was going through a divorce, I was just five weeks post-surgery on some cancer cells they found in my bladder, and I was out to…
I was never really a social person in high school, but I also wasn’t someone who thought I would become…
I started out as many of you do testing the waters a drink here an occasional joint. As I got older and I was on my third marriage my…
“Sometimes what you are fighting so hard for is a dream that your ego is not ready to let go of… But…
When I was younger, high school years…15 through maybe 25…I experimented with a lot of drugs. I…
I started drinking in college because I was sick of being the kid everyone asked, “You don’t drink? Then what do you do…
My son was 16 when he first started using. He started smoking pot. Uh, I found out. He got arrested for…
My 16-year-old daughter, who had everything going for her–literally–is at her third residential treatment center for her substance abuse….
Three years ago, I had reached the bottom in my addiction and suicide was an actual option to me. I couldn’t imagine…
In 7th grade my dad, um, worked overnights, and I was walking through, uh, town. And I hit the square, and there was a group of kids about…
First time I thought I was out of control was when I had moved up to live with my girlfriend at the…
I dated a guy for six years and we had two kids together…He got me hooked on meth. We lost our kids to my parents and we went downhill…
My first experience with it was my father was addicted to marijuana, and so I thought that I grew up…
There’s, like, kids at school that were taking pills, smoking weed and stuff. And I was just like, I…
My story began when I was very young in the home. Both my mother and my father were active alcoholics. Um, I had no…