DUI Prevention Efforts Debuted During the Hollister Grape & Fall Festival

In In the News, Taney County by marietta

Think Twice partners with local community to reduce intoxicated driving rates

Everyone thinks “It will never happen to me”… until it does. Tammy was the driver in an alcohol-related motor vehicle crash that ended her wife’s life. One choice. One lapse of judgment. One mistake…instantly changed the course of their lives forever. Tammy wants her story to help spread awareness of the risks of driving while intoxicated to prevent this from happening to other families in Taney County.

Tammy contacted Think Twice, a non-profit foundation whose mission is to reduce the intoxicated driving rate by helping people make more informed decisions. Think Twice offers pre-packaged, single-use breathalyzers to patrons of local bars and restaurants. The product is easy to use and informs the user of their BAC (Breath Alcohol Content) to help patrons understand the risk of driving while impaired.

Think Twice DUI prevention education will benefit any community member who wants to learn more about the risks of impaired and intoxicated driving and how individuals process alcohol while learning about the science of BAC (breath alcohol content)

Hollister Grape & Fall Festival attendees connected with representatives from Think Twice at the Seven Arrows Taproom on Saturday. Think Twice provided breathalyzer education services and addressed common misconceptions associated with alcohol consumption.

It is common to hear people say they “feel” they’re below the legal limit, but for most of us, it is difficult to know for sure. When a single-use, reliable breathalyzer test is made widely available to the public, we have given everyone an opportunity to think twice about drinking and driving.” states Justin Thompson, President and founder of Think Twice.

You can learn more about Think Twice and their public safety programs from their website at www.DUIprevention.org.

Thank you to the Brook Wellness Center for partnering with Think Twice to bring this program to Taney County.